Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Japanese Tantra

In the Vedas are taught already spells, mantras, whose use grew and structure to make rituals of Brahmanism.

However in the second century, an old Brahmin who converted to Buddhism reintroduced the practice of mantras and rituals to help attain enlightenment in adapting to Buddhism. Many Buddhist deities derive from Brahmanism. This teaching was broadcast to China from the second century and at the same time in Tibet and Japan thru a lineage of teachers and translators, which Nagarjuna is the oldest and well known.

It was initiated by the great master-Kekwa ajari rites of anointing'Kanjo, and received many Tantric texts. Upon his return to Japan, it structured its teaching he called Shingon ( Mantra in jap ). With the support of the emperor, he set up the Great Toji temple in Kyoto, and the holy town of Mount Kyasan which includes several hundred temples. He wrote many books including'sokushinjbutsu-gui', where he insists on the inside track to becoming Buddha in this life.

The second mailing will happen in the eleventh century with Rinchen Zangpo, who will visit India, then Dipankara Atis, a teacher in India who come to Tibet on his invite. His disciple, Dromtnpa based Kadampa faculty.
Marpa lotsawas also will visit India, where he will receive teaching of Naropa, before passing it to his disciple, Milarepa. Milarepa build the Kagyu school : Drokmi Sakya Yeshe to get him, teaching Virupa, forward it to his disciple Khon Kntchok Gyalpo who set up the Sakya college : In the early fifteenth century, born at another faculty, set up by Je Tsongkhapa The Gelugpa school.

To view images of Karma Sutra Positions, go to Karmasutra sexual positions.